Headshot of Sacha Jackman

Sacha Jackman, Vice President, Website

Account Manager, Vision2Voice

Sacha is a vibrant individual with a unique educational journey that meandered through the worlds of communications, sociology, and art direction. Her academics began at the University of Ottawa and culminated in a Master’s degree from the University of the Arts London, where her passion for creative expression and human-centred design took off.

Sacha thrives on strategy, effective communication, and design that resonates with people. Sacha is an advocate for accessibility and inclusivity, always striving to make sure everyone is included and heard.

When they’re not immersed in their professional endeavours, you’ll find Sacha out hiking in the great outdoors, practicing yoga, enjoying live music gigs, and indulging in life’s sweet delights (especially gummy bears).


Trang Ho-Nguyen, VP Professional Development


Olya Klymenko, VP Career Development