It’s time to celebrate the close of another great season at IABC Ottawa! 🎉
Join us as we reflect on our successes and look ahead to next year. We will celebrate our award winners, welcome new Board members, and hear from this year’s Communicator of the Year. IABC members will be invited to vote as part of our AGM during the event.
Enjoy connecting with Ottawa’s premier network of industry professionals, communicators, and creative minds over great food and drinks all evening!
IABC Ottawa's Communicator of the Year!
IABC Ottawa is pleased to announce that this year's Communicator of the Year award goes to the...
National Capital Commission Social Media Team
Mélanie Amyotte, Director, Strategic Media
Aaron Bell, Social Media Advisor
Caitlin O’Higgins, Social Media Advisor
Cassandra Demers, Stratège de contenu
France Charlebois, Marketing Advisor
We are so happy to honour the team with this award for their innovation, creativity and success at reaching Ottawa residents in a highly saturated digital environment with their informative, timely, digestible, and fun content. We look forward to hearing more about their process and best practices, when Aaron Bell and Caitlin O'Higgins deliver the keynote presentation at this End-of-Year event. Don't miss it!